Pastor Brian ministers twice a week in the First Baptist Church of Canton, Missouri.  His sermons are recorded and made available by CD or MP3 format.  You can listen to the MP3's here on this web site, but you can also download them for burning to a CD.  That way, you can take them along with you wherever you go!  His sermons are being listened to around the world, as far away as Lebanon and India.


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12/25/2022Pastor Brian Stone Merry Christmas = Be Excited About the Anointing of the Most High (122522.mp3)
Sunday AM Luke 4:18-24; Galatians 4:4-7; Psalm 119:105; Luke 2:21-35
Download 122522.mp3
12/24/2022Pastor Brian Stone Christmas Eve Service (122422.mp3)

Download 122422.mp3
12/18/2022Pastor Brian Stone Make Room in Your Heart (121822.mp3)
Sunday AM 1 Corinthians 10:13-14; 1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22; Matthew 23:4; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; Psalm 91:1; Revelation 3:20
Download 121822.mp3
12/14/2022Pastor Brian Stone JOY! (121422.mp3)
Wednesday PM Luke 2:6-35; John 15:11; John 1:10
Download 121422.mp3
12/11/2022Pastor Brian Stone Are You Seeking or Pursuing God? (121122.mp3)
Sunday AM Jeremiah 29:13-14; Matthew 6:33; Exodus 3:4-7
Download 121122.mp3
12/04/2022Pastor Brian Stone Forgiveness: The Power that Produces Miracles (120422.mp3)
Sunday AM Ephesians 2:1-2,10; Psalm 119:11; Mark 11:13-26
Download 120422.mp3

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