Disaster Relief
Disasters such as tornado, flood, or fire can cause physical destruction to homes and neighborhoods. However, Brian Stone Ministries is committed to providing relief for people caught in such disasters, so that the trauma is minimized and God's love is communicated to hurting people in need.
At about 2:20 in the afternoon on March 31, 2008, a tornado hit Buffalo, Missouri. Dan and Barbara Graves lost their house in that disaster. Here is their story in Dan's own words.
"We got everything cleaned up and got our building permit on April 24th and started to rebuild that day. We moved back in on January 17th. Barbara had a tough time with it in the beginning until the walls started going back up. At that point it quit being our old house that was destroyed and became our new home. I felt from the beginning that God has His hand in it because nobody was hurt and we didn't lose anything that was sentimental to us. Obviously when we look back now He was there. Barbara said even though you have to look hard to find any remnants of the old house, this was home from the first night we stayed there."
In January 2009, a fire occurred in the home of a local couple, causing them to lose everything. Brian Stone Ministries provided meals and supplies to Carl and Sandy while they were displaced and after they moved into their new home. Pastor Brian brought words of hope and comfort, prayed with them, and ministered to their family and neightbors. Below you can see pictures of the devastation their home suffered.