Pastor Christudass
03/13/2010 -
Jodel Dye
01/29/2010 -
God used my daughter and Brian Stone to change my path in life. My daughter, Page, was working as a home health aide. She met Brian Stone as he was visiting the home of one of her clients. Soon after, she took me to visit his church.
I grew up going to church but I did not know how to have a personal relationship with God. Through the years I would be disappointed in people of leadership. Brian Stone said in one of his messages that if we expected him to be perfect, we would be disappointed, but if we came to services expecting God to be perfect, we would never be disappointed. That was a real revelation for me. Through Brian’s teaching, I learned that I could have that personal relationship with God.
One day I was blessed to meet Dr. George Sastri from India, a close friend of Brian’s. He had a vision of building a church at the southern tip of India, overlooking the sea. After a prayer session one evening, Dr. Sastri said to me, “I will see you in India one day.” God did a work in me and I began to teach children. In 2006, I did see Dr. Sastri in India. We visited the site of the church Dr. Sastri had envisioned. We also visited an orphanage whose director, Ruban Thanansingh, was a close friend of Dr. Sastri. The orphanage had lost their funding.
I was impressed by God to do something for those children and to assist Brian Stone in fulfilling Dr. Sastri’s vision of a church in southern India. God’s anointing led me to start designing cards. I could not even draw a stick man to look like anything, but as I was obedient, it was as if He was guiding my fingers. God instructed me to found Blessings Ministries to spread the gospel and to market the anointed drawings as note cards to financially support the India projects.
Because Pastor Brian Stone was obedient to God’s plan that day to make a visit to an ill member of his congregation, my life was changed and because of my obedience, other lives have been changed. I have been a part of Pastor Brian Stone’s ministry team since 2006. I have seen thousands of people come to know Jesus through his teaching and preaching.
Below the picture is a graphic showing some of the cards available through Blessings Ministries. There are other designs besides those shown. It may take up to 5 minutes to load. Please be patient.
Rahna Barton
05/07/2009 -
In the summer of 2004, my personal relationship with God started. I had been a Christian since I was 11 but didn't understand that I could have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior. I didn't know what it meant until Pastor Brian Stone and his family became our Pastor and friends. I thank him for the teachings and the knowledge that made me want more of God and His Word. I received a miracle in the healing of my eyes the summer of 2005 after losing a contact in a terrible storm at a ballgame. I trusted God to help me drive home the 20 miles with my son in the car. God is so faithful. Pastor Brian agreed with me in prayer that I would receive my total eyesight back. Again, God is so faithful! It was a privilege to be a part of the India Mission Team that Pastor Brian led in 2006 and 2008. To see lost souls saved, broken hearts mended, spirits free and watching the miracle of healing in hurting bodies was so amazing. This proves we all serve a loving, amazing, wonderful God. His mercies endure forever. The last two years I have been alongside my husband with the Children's Ministry and I thank God for the opportunity. I praise God and give him the honor and the glory for all he has done for me and my family. I thank God for allowing Pastor Brian Stone and his family to come into our lives the past 5 years.
"Thank you Father for the favor you have on Brian Stone Ministries."
Pastor Ruban Thanasingh
03/02/2009 -
"I personally was touched by the ministry that Pastor Brian Stone did. I can see the passion for the souls in him."
I have read in the Bible that angels visited many men and women of God. I had not experienced that experience until Pastor Brian Stone visited us in the year 2001. Yes, he is the angel sent to us from Heaven. I know it for sure. I remember Rev. Dr. George Sastri who brought Pastor Brian Stone to me. We had wonderful meetings that year and God did many miracles in many people's life. I remember the lady Jeevaratnam, who was healed from her asthma. Praise the Lord. I personally was touched by the ministry that Pastor Brian Stone did. I can see the passion for the souls in him. I was amazed by the tears rolling down from his eyes when he prayed for the salvation of the souls and for their healing.
We are running children's home for orphan and semi-orphan boys and Pastor Brian Stone is supporting through First Baptist Church, in which he is the Pastor now. The orphanage is getting its maximum support from him. The boys were very happy when they received their new dresses, toys, suitcases, TV, Video Player, mats, pillows, candies, toothbrush, toothpastes, mug, buckets and many personal gifts. Above all, all the boys in the orphanage accepted Jesus in the hearts, when Pastor Brian Stone visited us as a team in 2008. Hallelujah!
Pastor Brian Stone is planning to build two churches, one in Gomathimuthupuram and the other in Kanyakumari (Cape Comorin), in Tamil Nadu, India. I am willing to donate my land for the purpose of building the Church in Gomathimuthupuram. I am sure God will use Pastor Brian Stone mightily in the coming years and touch thousands of needy souls.
Also, God had given our church a burden to start a project to reach the poor, downtrodden, semi-orphan and orphan girls this year. I am sure that the Brian Stone Ministries will be able to help out those girls to see the love of Christ in their lives.
My entire family and the Good Samaritan Fellowship of India church in Nagercoil is bound to pray for him and his team, for all the blessings that God showered on us through him.
Pastor P. Ruban Thanasingh
"House of Praise"
Good Samaritan Fellowship of India
41/18, Asambu Road, Nagercoil 629001
Linda Crane
03/02/2009 -
“I’ve had religion all my life, Pastor Brian. Now I want to know about the relationship.”
Gerald Davis
03/02/2009 -
"Brian and Carla Stone are special tools in the hand of the Lord."
I have observed their ministry for many years, and am blessed to be their friend. God has moved them into a position where they can reach a special group and class of people that may not have been exposed to all that God has prepared for his people. I have been so blessed in watching their progress and success. They have remained in my memory ever since I met them. Brian and Carla Stone are people who are not easy to forget. I pray your acquaintance with them, and their ministry to you, will bless you as much as it has been a blessing to me.
Gerald Davis is the founder and minister of Overflowing Cup Ministries International. Gerald has his own television program airing all across the United States, advancing the message of Living A Debt Free Life. Gerald is the author of several books which include "How to Function in This Economy according to Heaven's Economy" which is endorsed by Oral Roberts and John Osteen.
Phyllis Downing
04/11/2009 -
"A Shepherd is an anointed man of God sent to lead his flock in the Lord. Praise God, Pastor Brian Stone is my anointed Shepherd."
Some time after I started attending church, I lost the love of my life, my husband of 40 years. Pastor Brian came to my house with support and prayers to help me through those tough times.
Even as a born again Christian for over twenty years, I have not always clearly understood how to deal with some of the pain and pressure of daily life. Pastor Brian has taught me scriptures and given me examples on how to use them. He has taught me how to search the Word for scriptures on faith, kindness, love, tithing, and how to be full of peace and joy in the natural world while trying to live a Christian life. So many things are much clearer to me now.
I have learned many things by studying these scriptures. I try to show my love for the Lord in everything I do. When someone asks me if I am a Christian and what church I attend, I always give God the praise and glory and thank Him for giving me direction through Pastor Brian.